
Hello!  Welcome to the Member's lounge!  Links to the music that we are singing this season, recordings of rehearsals, and PDFs are at the bottom of this page.  

We have one more "open" rehearsal, so PLEASE continue to share on social media. We would love to have one or two more tenors or basses to take away the slight imbalance with the altos and sopranos. 


What We Did this past Week:

Electricity - we worked out parts of the chorus. This should be a fairly quick study. Be sure to listen to the learning tracks for the specific rhythms throughout as they can be tricky.

Disney Sidekicks - This is going to be fun. We spent lots of time on the harmonies and rhythms of Under the Sea and Bare Necessities. Lots of interesting rhythms and a few tricky harmonies for the basses and tenors. 

AL Webber Celebration - we attacked the JC Superstar and Memories of this medley. We were able to get a feel for how the cuts will work and heard them a few times. 

Rhythm of Life - Lots of life left in this song! Tip of the tongue, the teeth, the lips!



Chicago - we will learn this one from the end to the beginning, so we will likely do the last two songs in the medley this week.

Send In The Clowns - ALTOS - I'm sorry for what I did to this piece! Please take a look at the changes in the "Solos, cuts and splits" doc. Second Altos are bouncing around from tenor to alto throughout.

AL Webber Celebration - We will look at Joseph and "Don't Cry for Me"

Found/Tonight -



I am almost finished re-arranging "The Greatest Show", so it will be added to our line up. There are two opportunities for solos in this song! I have added the rehearsal tracks, I just need to finalize the printed version. Should have it done by the end of the weekend (fingers crossed!)


  Solos, Cuts and Splits - I know this will look confusing. I'm hoping the section leads can decipher the code and share with each member of each section. PLEASE take some time to look at the "Andrew L Webber Medley" and "Send in The Clowns" as both have significant changes to almost every part!

  Tentative Rehearsal Schedule (January-June) - this is tentative and  subject to change on a week to week basis!

  Solo Sign Up - See note below regarding solos this season!

 PDFs of Music

 Rehearsal Tracks

 Rehearsal Recordings spring 2025


Solos and Solo Auditions

Solo auditions start this week:

Alison - please come for 6:20ish and doors will open for everyone at 6:30. 

Chrissy, Kathleen and James - we will start your auditions as soon as the room clears (or quiets down!) after the rehearsal.

If you have signed up for an audition, please come prepared. I will accompany and record the audition so I can listen back as I need to throughout the process. Once all the auditions have happened, I will send out a list of the soloists.

If you wish to record your audition on your own time and submit via email, please be sure to have the practice track playing (preferably the "all parts equal" one) so I can ensure you are singing in the correct key!

Please submit before March 4th!



We have tentatively booked Friday, May 30th and Saturday, May 31st as our concert dates. I may be looking to move it a week earlier, but this is not confirmed yet. We are also looking at 3 retirement home shows throughout the season, but dates are to be confirmed. Most will fall on a regular Tuesday practice.

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